Here are some reasons why you want to repair those cracks in your concrete with MARBLELIFE-ENDURACRETE services.
Resale Value: If you are planning on selling your home any time soon, fixing the cracked concrete will greatly increase your resale value and the overall curb appeal. Cracks can signal to potential buyers that there was an issue and raise concerns that it may still be present. A shrewd negotiator will highlight the cracked area as potentially needing to be replaced and seek to deduct this from your asking price (whether they intend to do the repair or not). Cracked garage flooring, driveways, or patio surfaces can be repaired and restored to not only retain value but increase it.
Rental Property Value: Top value renters are looking for homes without problems that they will be proud to come home to. A cracked concrete surface raises the question – what else has the landlord opted NOT to fix? A quality appearance signals that ‘You care,’ and that there are likely no hidden issues, and if there are, you will work to resolve them.
Cleaner Environment: It is tough to keep a cracked floor clean. Dirt, dust, and spills collect in the cracks, requiring one to take the time to figure out how to clean them out, making what should be a quick sweep a thought requiring project. Spills are even worse, as you know they are heading into the crack making a simple wipe up not so simple. Eliminate cracks to keep an easy-to-maintain surface.
Safer Environment: Concrete cracks may catch a high heel, or simply be trip hazards as they open and separate. Cracks make for a convenient and safe home for bugs, spiders, and ants, attracting them into your home. If you have little kids that like to explore, those little fingers could encounter a not so pleasant surprise.
Faster Cleanup: Concrete can be highly porous if not sealed or coated. We see this on concrete sidewalks when it rains, and the first raindrop dampens and darkens the concrete as it is absorbed. Water is simple. Oils and spilt drinks can result in ugly stains that are now IN the concrete. Sealing or coating your concrete keeps spills up top where they can easily be wiped away.
More Versatility: A cracked concrete floor can only function as just that, a garage floor. Sure, you can use it for projects or to store your cars, but that is about the extent. With a MARBLELIFE-ENDURACRETE finished floor, your garage becomes the largest socially distance-able entertainment space in the home. It is no longer a dusty garage, but a finished area for entertainment, laying out the picnic (in case of rain), setting up the ping pong table, watching the game with the neighborhood, or making it a showroom for your classic car. We can still park the cars here, but it is now easier to clean, maintain and so much more versatile.