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Full 6-Minute Cleaning Techniques

Save Time & Money Cleaning with InterCare

You can now save time, save money and use fewer products. By using InterCare and a microfiber towel you can dust, clean windows, remove hand prints from glass doors and walls, clean counters, table tops, furniture and even get the spot out of the carpet. Then you can move to the floors without changing products. What’s even better the place looks better than it ever has before and using a cleaner that costs less than a dollar a bottle.


Cleaning Windows, Mirrors and Glass Cook tops with InterCare

Here’s some tips to help make cleaning windows and mirrors easier with Marblelife’s InterCare Cleaner.


  1. Spray InterCare into the surface and wipe clean. Then flip over your towel to the dry side to buff off all streaks revealing a brilliant shine. When you move to the new section start with the wet side of the towel to clean then again flip to the dry side to buff dry. Continue like this until the dry side becomes too wet.
  2. InterCare is like a liquid sponge absorbing the oils and dirt into the towel, so after a certain amount of cleaning your towel will be carrying too much oil and dirt causing streaking if you don’t change out your towel.
  3. When cleaning heavy residues or oily surfaces remember that since InterCare works like a liquid sponge you need to make sure that you use enough InterCare to carry all the residue and oils. This may take a second application to remove all of the now full InterCare.


Remember that since InterCare contains no oils that attacks dirt your windows will stay cleaner longer.


Dusting with InterCare

For dusting with InterCare, lightly spray InterCare onto a microfiber or other type of towel then begin dusting. InterCare provides a light cleaning action while you are removing the dust and aids in keeping the dust on the towel. Use the same towel and perhaps add more InterCare to remove smudges and finger prints while dusting.


Cleaning Floors with InterCare & Microfiber Mop

Using a traditional mop and bucket is the primary cause of dirty floor grout and contributes to the spread of bacteria and viruses. Since mops don’t really ever get cleaned they harbor bacteria and viruses that you then spread all over the floors. When attempting to clean with a mop you continuously push dirty mop water into the grout joints of the floor. The grout joints are lower than the tiles and are very porous allowing dirty mop water to continually deposit dirt into the grout.


A fantastic alternative that is not only healthier and more eco friendly, it results in a cleaner looking, feeling and smelling floor. The answer is InterCare, a microfiber mop and a bag of cheap micro fiber towels. Why microfiber towels? Because they clean better than most other towels, hold up better and can be thrown in the laundry machine and reused which is both economical and eco friendly.


We recommend using microfiber towels because they perform better then the pads and they are much cheaper. Our microfiber mops are fit with Velcro on both the bottom and the top to best hold the towels in place while moping.


Spray InterCare on the floor and mop with the microfiber towel on the mop. After doing an area turn over the towel and buff the area dry to leave a clean, streak free shine. Moving onto the next area, mop the same side of the towel as used to buff the previous area then change out the towel to buff this area. Repeat the process to complete the floor.


Spots in the grout can be cleaned with InterCare and a toothbrush, then wipe away the dirty suds with a used towel.


The Order of Things

When caring for natural stone such as Granite, Marble and others there is an order to things which helps to assure the best care possible based on the stones longevity and appearance. This order is:


First – Clean the stone as best as possible regularly.


Second – Repair the stone if needed such as removing etches or stains.


Third – Seal the stone to help protect against stains and to help make cleaning easier.


Lastly – Conditioning to help bring out the stone’s best appearance if needed.


The intervals of these activities are very subjective and vary greatly based on the environment of the stone such as: Is the stone indoors or outdoors, Does it get high traffic or very little use and alike. With this said there are some very general intervals:


  1. Cleaning should be done regularly between daily to weekly.
  2. Sealing should be done annually, between every six months to every two years.
  3. Repairs should be done as needed and a promptly as possible.
  4. Conditioning can be done as desired between monthly and just on occasions.


Again these are very general intervals to help give some frame of reference.

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