Routine Cleaning of Shower Mold & Mildew
Stone showers are beautiful and have wonderful character. Keeping them looking that way means that you must be very careful with the products you use or damage can occur. One of the biggest issues in dealing with mold in a marble or stone shower is you cannot use the typical, aggressive products designed for killing mold because they kill your stone shower as well, or at least the finish.
Mold thrives in dark, warm, moist environments with ample food sources of organic material such as soap residue or organic coatings. This makes a shower an ideal spot for mold to grow. The small pores of natural stone and grout are great places for mold to gain a grip, live and avoid your cleaning efforts. Most products used to eliminate mold only remove the surface waste and not the mold still growing inside the pores. Most people do not realize that that unsightly black or green color is not the mold but the mold’s waste by-products. Getting rid of the colorful waste is only the first step, then one needs to address the mold hiding underneath. Ironically, many mold cleaners say that they are not to be used on porous surfaces, which explains your frustration in why mold never seems to stay away very long after cleaning.
To effectively remove the mold stains from your stone shower, you need a product that is both safe for your stone and able to penetrate into the pores of the stone and grout to remove the visible waste but also the hidden mold, the source.
A Stone Safe Product You Can Trust
MARBLELIFE® Mold & Mildew Stain Remover is completely safe and a highly effective way to eliminate those frustrating mold stains from your marble, travertine, slate and grout shower. It safely penetrates into the stone and grout to remove the mold stains at the source.
MARBLELIFE® Mold & Mildew Stain Remover is easy to use, safe on all of your shower surfaces and highly effective. It is 8 times more effective than bleach and yet has a lighter chlorine smell than bleach.
For light mold, this is a spray, soak and rinse product. For heavy mold it’s a spray, scrub and rinse product. Nothing you find will be as safe and effective as MARBLELIFE® Mold & Mildew Stain Remover.
Directions For Routine Cleaning
In marble, travertine, slate and other natural stone showers where mold is occasionally and mildly visible, routine removal of mold stains is quite simple. The following is our recommended method.
Supplies Needed:
- Marblelife Mold & Mildew Stain Remover
- Large cup, container or spray nozzle for rinse water.
Step 1 – Spray & Soak
Spray an ample amount of MARBLELIFE® Mold & Mildew Stain Remover directly on the areas of visible mold adequate to saturate the stone and grout. Include the surrounding area and allow to soak for about 10 minutes.
Step 2 – Rinse
After allowing MARBLELIFE® Mold & Mildew Stain Remover to soak for about 10 minutes, rinse off with clean water using a large cup, container or spray nozzle. If any mold is still visible, reapply Mold & Mildew Stain Remover and brush with a toothbrush or other soft brush then allow to soak for 10 minutes and rinse off. If there is still mold visible, contact MARBLELIFE® Customer Care for assistance achieving your desired results.
For larger jobs, it is wise to contact a MARBLELIFE® service professional before attempting to address this yourself.
Stone Shower Restoration Service By One Of Our Stone Craftsmen
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