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Marble and Natural Stone Replacement vs Restoration: What’s the Difference?

Rustic, sturdy, and eco-friendly, stone has a natural charm to it. It lends a timeless and aesthetic appeal to spaces. Whether used in a commercial or residential property, their versatile look adds a distinct texture to the interior. From elegant Italian marble, durable granite, beautiful travertine, and crystalline onyx, each natural stone has unique characteristics. […]

Marble and Natural Stone Replacement vs Restoration: What’s the Difference?

Marble and Natural Stone Replacement vs Restoration

Rustic, sturdy, and eco-friendly, stone has a natural charm to it. It lends a timeless and aesthetic appeal to spaces. Whether used in a commercial or residential property, their versatile look adds a distinct texture to the interior.

From elegant Italian marble, durable granite, beautiful travertine, and crystalline onyx, each natural stone has unique characteristics. Free from any harmful materials or toxins, you can use natural stones indoors and outdoors.


What is a natural stone?

Natural stone is an organic rock derived from the earth’s crust and used for building or decorative purposes. Various types of natural stones are available in the market. The most popular ones are- Marble, Travertine, Limestone, Granite, Slate, Sandstone, and Quartzite.

Natural stone has been used to create various architectural marvels like Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the Taj Mahal in India, San Giovanni Battista Church in Switzerland, and numerous others across the globe.

Apart from being used in constructing the most significant historical monuments in the early centuries, natural stone is still popular with modern-day architects, interior designers, and builders. However, with regular use, natural stone like marble or travertine begins to lose its sheen due to wear and tear. Natural stone restoration is one way to ensure that your marble floors, kitchen top, or walls keep shining.


What is natural stone restoration?

Natural stone surfaces like marble floors or granite countertops can undergo a lot of wear and tear, whether from spills of oils and acidic substances in the kitchen or the daily grind of dust and sand underfoot. Even acidic cleaners can further damage the surface, resulting in a loss of shine. However, all hope is not lost – natural stone restoration can bring damaged, defaced, stained, or worn-out stones back to their former beauty. This process requires the expertise of specialists with the necessary skills, experience, equipment, supplies, and an artisan’s eye for detail.

Make sure to pay attention to damaged natural stone surfaces in your home. Some people assume that restoring or replacing them is too expensive. Still, the truth is that stone restoration services are typically only one-third the cost of replacing shower tiles or travertine floors. So, instead of putting up with unsightly and damaged surfaces, consider investing in natural stone restoration’s cost-effective and transformative power.


Floor Restoration: An Affordable Way to Enhance the Property’s Value

In addition to restoring the lost sheen and beauty of your floors and walls, natural stone restoration can also increase the resale value of your house. Here are a few benefits of restoring tile floors:


More Durability

Natural stones are popular not only for their eternal beauty but also for their durability and resistance to damage and decay with regular care and maintenance. Their natural characteristics allow them to withstand daily wear and tear for a prolonged time. However, over some time, a marble floor can be chipped or cracked based on abuse or building setting.

A professional marble restoration company can repair these visual defects. A professional can blend the repair properly to merge with the stone’s natural colors and patterns seamlessly. You might know it was repaired, but your guests would never see it.


Clean Grout & Sparkling Tiles

Dirt and debris build up in the grout between tiles, making it look dirty and unappealing. Unsealed grout or seals that have been damaged or removed through acid cleaner can accelerate the process, which allows the grout to absorb spills or be stained even during the cleaning process as dirt is transferred from on top of the tile to the lower grout line and absorbed by the unsealed grout.

Once stained, the grout can leave a dull and dingy appearance on the floor. Cleaning grout is a time-consuming task requiring hours of scrubbing. Professional cleaning or power washing can speed up the process, removing dirt from pores. However, it still leaves the grout unsealed, which makes it prone to attract more dust.

Proper restoration includes either sealing after cleaning the grout or replacing the acid-sensitive original seal with a non-acid-sensitive sealer. After the “Colorseal” treatment, the surface is no longer susceptible to acid cleaner attack. Colorseal restoration of the grout has the added benefit of allowing one even to change the color of the grout. The result is a consistent, uniform clean grout appearance that is better than new with enhanced stain resistance properties.

It is essential to know that restoring a stone surface differs from restoring a grouted surface. The most common misconception is that in cleaning or restoring a tile surface, you will also need to clean the grout. This concept may be true in removing loose dirt such as sand, but not if the grout has been stained.


Increases the Value of your Property

When you want to sell your property at a better price, many things depend on how a potential buyer perceives your home. Using a marble stone or travertine in your interiors can significantly enhance the aesthetic value of your house. Though natural stone comes at a little higher price than other materials, many people seeking a new place seek marble flooring, granite countertop, or walls for their eternal beauty and durability. You will receive a solid investment return if your home has stone flooring. Marble and granite continue to be associated with elegance and luxury.


Stone Restoration vs. Replacement

Many homeowners ignore the stains and signs of damage on their stone flooring, shower floors, and walls. Once damaged, stones lose their natural luster and their beauty. But the former is more cost-effective for floor restoration or replacing it.

You must pay for the product and installation service again when you opt for replacement. Furthermore, mother nature has no quality assurance program. As such, even if you locate tile from the same quarry taken 5 feet later, the color can vary.

The tile may look identical in the shop, but once installed, your eye will pick out the new stone based on the subtle hue difference. As such, treat those extra replacement tiles under the sink like gold, as these are the only tiles that will blend perfectly on replacement.

For this same reason, instead of repairing chipped or cracked marble, replacing it with a new one is advisable. A professional restoration company can blend the repair into the floor so efficiently that it becomes hard to spot the difference unless one knows its location. With the restoration process, you will only pay for rehabilitating the stone.



Stone restoration is as much art as science. Proper restoration restores the life of your dull and damaged stone flooring, walls, and kitchen countertops using scientific solutions. Hence, choose a company with a team of experts to analyze, evaluate and then work on the solution to restore your natural stone to its original glory. After all, your home and workplace reflect your personality.

When you choose MARBLELIFE, you can rest assured that your home is in good hands because we understand that your concerns go beyond the appearance of your floors and surfaces. Our team of experts leaves ‘no stone’ unturned to deliver the best of our wide range of expert services, such as repair, refurnishing, restoration, sealing and protection, deep cleaning, and more.

We offer restoration services that include grinding, honing, polishing, cleaning, sealing, and color enhancing.

At MARBELIFE, we offer a 5-step solution to resurrect your damaged natural stone.

  1. Consultation: Every stone has unique characteristics and requirements, which is why we start with evaluating the type and condition of your stone. We’ll conduct a thorough test to check for wear patterns and damage to the surface, so we can identify the problem and provide you with a tailored solution.
  2. Restoration: Once the problem is identified, our experts will use modern equipment and specially designed products to restore your stone surface to its former glory. With years of professional experience, we guarantee that our team will complete the entire process on time.
  3. Protection: Natural stones have distinctive beauty but are also prone to staining. Liquids like tea, coffee, alcohol, or cooking oil can cause discoloration by being absorbed into the stone’s pores. As a prevention, cleaning up spills immediately and applying a surface sealant is essential. Our team can help you create a protective barrier against liquids that could cause staining. A properly sealed surface is much easier to clean and maintain and offers long-term protection against stains and dirt penetration.
  4. Follow up: After restoring your stone surface, it’s essential to maintain its appearance with a care routine. Clean the surface using the right product tailored to match the requirement of your kitchen top. Using an inappropriate cleaner can damage the surface or deposit material that builds up over time. All-purpose cleaners deposit waxes, while acidic cleaners and hard water stain removers etch marble. Our team can advise you on the right products to keep your stone surface looking its best.
  5. Stone Maintenance: Even with proper cleaning and sealing, natural wear and tear from dust, sand, and regular foot traffic will eventually require maintenance. The goal is to reduce the frequency through proper care. When in doubt, call our stone restoration professional for guidance. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your natural stone retains its timeless elegance.

The Final Word

Natural stones look great because of their luxurious appeal. They not just enhance the ambiance of the house with their sheer beauty but also help to keep the interiors calm and relaxed. However, most natural stones have a certain level of porosity. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the stone surface with periodic floor restoration services.

No service provider can deliver the level of expertise that MARBLELIFE brings. Book a free consultation to learn more about how our services can help you revive your stone floors.

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