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Cleaning Floors With Intercare Cleaner A Microfiber Mop

Counter intuitive as it is, using a traditional mop and bucket is a primary cause of dirty floor grout and contributes to the spread of bacteria and viruses.


That may be a surprise, but mops are designed to pick-up dirt and deposit into a mop bucket. The problem is that mops themselves are rarely cleaned, and are operated inappropriately. Yes, that ‘s right, there is an optimal way to use a mop. We do more custodial training on the proper use of a mop than any other education or training when it comes to how to keep stone, tile and grout clean, healthy and beautiful.


Mops are rarely cleaned, and as such all those bacteria and germs that are picked up off the floor are now harbored in a moist often dark environment, allowing them to grow along with mold and mildew… and then be reapplied to the floor later. Now we are doing more harm than good. We may get the dirt but deposit the germs. Every wonder why that mop smells like it does, particularly if it is not rinsed before being put away? Now you know, mold mildew, bacteria and germs.


The second factor is the dirt. Where’s it going? Done properly (yes, there is a proper way) a mop should be wrung out BEFORE it is put on the floor so that it is damp, making it easier to pick up dirt, just like when you seek to lift the corner of a piece of paper with a moist finger. The mop with dirt stuck to it then is placed in your mop bucket where the dirt leaves the mop and enters the water. Unfortunately, when wet-mopping we effectively dissolve the dirt into the water and then push dirty water it to the lowest part of the floor – your grout lines – where it collects and soaks into any open pores or crevice. Once there the water evaporates leaving the dirt and debris behind. The net effect is darkened, stained, gray grout lines.


Want to have some fun, check out what your grout used to look like. Lightly scrape the surface with a knife, fork or key and you will be amazed the difference of the color beneath that gray. If this is your situation, don’t be afraid you are not alone and it can be reversed. In fact, the number one complaint from office tenants is the appearance of the grout in their bathrooms. Architects report that 95% of the complaints during the first 6 months of opening a new building are associated with the staining of their grout within 6-months of opening, even if they have sealed the floor. Hospitals around the country are now required to provide their patients a survey after their visit on which the cleanliness of their grout lines is covered, and which factors into their HCAP scores. No wonder they have also taken note, eliminated traditional mops, restored grout lines, and modified their cleaner and cleaning methods. Bottom line, is yes, you should be concerned if your grout is darkening. The good news is a little education can halt the problem. A little service can cure the cause and restore your healthy clean beautiful floor.


What do you do if you have stained or dirty grout?

For the do-it-yourselfer, try MARBLELIFE MAXOUT Grout cleaner. This cleaner is so effective you can see it working as the foam generated by your brush turns black as it cuts through the dirt. When done you can see the quartz crystals in your sanded grout glinting back at you. Check out the videos on our site.


If you would prefer to have someone else do this, call MARBLELIFE at 866-524-3372 and ask to discuss their cleaning and colorseal service. This services removes the dirt and surface oil, and is followed by a colorseal treatment. This is a seal that is custom colored to match your original grout color used to seal your grout surface to eliminate any pores capable of absorbing dirty water or being stained or hiding germs. Once done dirt can only reside above the seal, where it can be more easily cleaned and removed.


How do I maintain my tile and grout?


A fantastic alternative that is not only healthier and more eco-friendly, it results in a cleaner looking, feeling and smelling floor. The answer is MARBLELIFE Tile & Grout Cleaner, a microfiber mop and a bag of cheap micro fiber towels. Why microfiber towels? Because they clean better than most other towels, hold up better and can be thrown in the laundry machine and reused which is both economical and eco-friendly.


We recommend using microfiber towels because they perform better then the pads and they are much cheaper. Our microfiber mops are fit with Velcro on both the bottom and the top to best hold the towels in place while moping.


Spray MARBLELIFE Tile & Grout Cleaner on the floor and mop with the microfiber towel on the mop. After doing an area turn over the towel and buff the area dry to leave a clean, streak free shine. Moving onto the next area, mop the same side of the towel as used to buff the previous area then change out the towel to buff this area. Repeat the process to complete the floor.


Spots in the grout can be cleaned with MARBLELIFE Tile & Grout Cleaner and a brush, then wipe away the dirty suds with a used towel.


With just a little foreknowledge and adjusted mop techniques and if needed a light service you can have your floor and be confident you can maintain a clean, beautiful, safe and healthy floor for your family, kids, guests and pets.

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