To seal a surface one needs to place a reactive product into the pores of the stone or surface and allow it to cure to create a solid barrier preventing dirt and oil from entering the pore. This makes cleaning easier as all dirt and oil remains on TOP of the surface where it is easier to clean, versus inside a pore where it is problematic to reach. An appropriate process for sealing requires the surface to be covered in sealer and for the sealer to be allowed to seep into the pores, after which the excess sealer on the surface is wiped away leaving only the materials plugging the open pores remaining.
However, when a clean-and-seal product is applied, it will indiscriminately seek to bond to the surface before cleaning. The cleaner is designed NOT to remove the sealer so it is allowed to settle across the surface. The hope is that in the act of cleaning one removed the excess sealer material, but how many people really wipe dry versus allow to airdry? The airdried area become caked in sealer making them dull and sticky. Better to separate the two functions into a Cleaner and then a Sealer.
We formulated MARBLELIFE MARBLE & TRAVERTINE CLEANER and MARBLELIFE STONE & GROUT SEALER for just these purposes. Clean the surface with our Cleaner. Then apply Sealer, allow to set for a few minutes, and the wipe away the excess. Simple but effective.